Monday, July 29, 2013

Belanja elektronik di

Dengan hanya mengklik mouse atau menyentuh layar, pembeli dapat membeli hampir semua produk online yang diinginkan. dan hal itu sangat mudah dilakukan saat anda ingin Belanja elektronik di

Dunia perdagangan elektronik, juga dikenal sebagai e-commerce, memungkinkan konsumen untuk berbelanja di ribuan toko online dan membayar pembelian mereka tanpa meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah. Bagi banyak orang, Internet telah mengambil tempat hari Sabtu sore window shopping di mal. Konsumen mengharapkan pedagang untuk tidak hanya membuat produk mereka tersedia secara online, tetapi untuk melakukan pembayaran proses yang sederhana dan aman. Namun, hal yang sama bisa salah belanja online seperti di dunia nyata. Kadang-kadang hanyalah sebuah kasus kesalahan komputer atau layanan pelanggan miskin. Lain kali, dengan pengunjung yang ditipu oleh seniman scam pintar.

Sebuah survei Februari 2008 oleh Pew Internet menemukan bahwa 66% orang Amerika yang disurvei telah membeli produk secara online karena lebih mudah dan menghemat waktu. Sementara survei melaporkan bahwa lebih dari setengah responden mengalami frustrasi, kebingungan, atau kewalahan dengan informasi, perhatian terbesar bagi pembeli online, 75%, sedang dalam mengirim kartu kredit dan informasi pribadi melalui Internet.

Sama seperti pembeli harus mengambil langkah-langkah untuk melindungi diri mereka sendiri di toko-toko bata-dan-mortir - seperti melindungi nomor PIN mereka ketika memeriksa dan tidak meninggalkan dompet tanpa pengawasan - pembeli online juga perlu mengambil tindakan pencegahan yang masuk akal. Panduan ini menawarkan saran tentang bagaimana untuk membuat pengalaman belanja online Anda menyenangkan dan aman.

2. Berbelanja di Situs Web Aman

Bagaimana Anda bisa tahu jika sebuah situs Web yang aman? Situs aman menggunakan teknologi enkripsi untuk mentransfer informasi dari komputer Anda ke komputer pedagang online. Enkripsi mengacak informasi yang Anda kirim, seperti nomor kartu kredit Anda, untuk mencegah hacker komputer dari mendapatkan itu perjalanan. Satu-satunya orang yang bisa menguraikan kode adalah mereka dengan hak akses yang sah. Berikut adalah bagaimana Anda dapat mengetahui bahwa anda berurusan dengan situs aman:

    Jika Anda melihat di bagian atas layar Anda di mana alamat situs Web yang ditampilkan ("address bar"), Anda akan melihat https://. The "s" yang ditampilkan setelah "http" menunjukkan bahwa situs Web aman. Seringkali, Anda tidak melihat "s" sampai Anda benar-benar pindah ke halaman order pada situs Web.
    Cara lain untuk menentukan apakah sebuah situs Web adalah aman adalah dengan mencari gembok tertutup ditampilkan pada address bar layar Anda. Jika kunci yang terbuka, Anda harus menganggap itu bukan situs aman.

Tentu saja, transmisi data Anda melalui saluran yang aman adalah nilai yang kecil bagi Anda jika pedagang menyimpan data unscrambled. Anda harus mencoba untuk mencari tahu apakah pedagang menyimpan data dalam bentuk terenkripsi. Jika seorang hacker mampu mengganggu, tidak dapat memperoleh data kredit Anda dan informasi pribadi lainnya. Pastikan untuk membaca kebijakan privasi dan keamanan pedagang untuk mempelajari bagaimana perlindungan data pribadi Anda pada komputer tersebut. (Lihat tip 4 di bawah.)

3. Penelitian Situs Web Sebelum Anda Order

Melakukan bisnis dengan perusahaan Anda sudah tahu. Jika perusahaan tidak dikenal, melakukan pekerjaan rumah Anda sebelum membeli produk mereka. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk membeli sesuatu dari perusahaan yang tidak diketahui, mulai dengan perintah murah untuk mengetahui apakah perusahaan dapat dipercaya.

Perusahaan yang handal harus mengiklankan alamat fisik mereka bisnis dan setidaknya satu nomor telepon, baik layanan pelanggan atau saluran pesanan. Hubungi nomor telepon dan mengajukan pertanyaan untuk menentukan apakah bisnis tersebut sah. Bahkan jika Anda menelepon setelah jam, banyak perusahaan memiliki "live" layanan menjawab, terutama jika mereka tidak mau ketinggalan perintah. Tanyakan bagaimana merchant yang menangani barang dagangan dan keluhan kembali. Cari tahu apakah ia menawarkan pengembalian dana penuh atau hanya kredit toko.

Anda juga bisa meneliti sebuah perusahaan melalui Better Business Bureau (lihat daftar di bawah), atau lembaga perlindungan konsumen pemerintah seperti kantor jaksa wilayah atau Jaksa Agung. Mungkin teman-teman atau anggota keluarga yang tinggal di kota yang terdaftar dapat memverifikasi keabsahan perusahaan. Ingat, siapa pun dapat membuat sebuah situs Web.

4. Baca Kebijakan Keamanan Situs Web dan Privasi

Setiap situs web online terkemuka menawarkan informasi tentang bagaimana proses pesanan Anda. Hal ini biasanya tercantum dalam bagian yang berjudul "Kebijakan Privasi." Anda dapat mengetahui jika pedagang bermaksud untuk berbagi informasi Anda dengan pihak ketiga atau perusahaan afiliasi. Apakah mereka membutuhkan perusahaan-perusahaan untuk menahan diri dari pemasaran untuk pelanggan mereka? Jika tidak, Anda dapat mengharapkan untuk menerima "spam" (email yang tidak diminta) dan bahkan permohonan mail atau telepon dari perusahaan tersebut.

Anda juga dapat mempelajari apa jenis informasi yang dikumpulkan oleh situs Web, dan bagaimana hal itu - atau tidak - berbagi dengan orang lain. Praktek keamanan data online merchant juga sering dijelaskan dalam Kebijakan Privasi, atau mungkin suatu Kebijakan Keamanan terpisah.

Carilah pedagang online yang merupakan anggota dari program segel-of-persetujuan yang menetapkan pedoman sukarela untuk praktik privasi yang terkait, seperti TRUSTe (, Verisign (, atau BBBOnLine (www.

Namun, menyadari bahwa kebijakan privasi yang kuat dan keanggotaan dalam program Web-segel tidak menjamin bahwa pedagang Web akan melindungi privasi Anda selamanya. Kebijakan bisa berubah. Perusahaan dapat mengajukan kebangkrutan dan menjual data basis pelanggannya. The Web pedagang mungkin dibeli oleh perusahaan lain dengan kebijakan privasi yang lebih lemah. Dan data perusahaan dapat diperintahkan untuk investigasi penegakan hukum atau kasus perdata. Anda memiliki sedikit kontrol atas penggunaan data pelanggan Anda dalam masalah seperti itu.

Mengingat semua ketidakpastian ini, Anda akan ingin untuk berpikir tentang sensitivitas dari data yang sedang disusun tentang Anda ketika Anda berbelanja online. Kita tidak bisa memberi pendekatan yang terbaik untuk mengambil. Setiap konsumen memiliki interpretasi yang berbeda tentang apa yang dianggap "sensitif."

5. Jadilah Sadar Cookie dan Perilaku Pemasaran

Pedagang online serta situs lainnya menonton belanja kami dan kebiasaan surfing dengan menggunakan "cookies," sistem pelacakan online yang melekat potongan kode untuk browser internet kami untuk melacak situs yang kita kunjungi saat kami mencari di Web.

"Persistent" cookie tetap disimpan di komputer Anda saat "sesi" cookie berakhir saat Anda menghidupkan browser off. Pedagang online menggunakan cookie untuk mengenali Anda dan mempercepat proses belanja pada saat Anda kunjungi. Anda mungkin dapat mengatur browser Anda untuk menonaktifkan atau menolak cookies, namun tradeoff dapat membatasi fungsi dapat anda lakukan secara online, dan mungkin mencegah Anda dari pemesanan online. Umumnya, Anda akan harus mengaktifkan session cookies untuk memesan.

Pendukung privasi khawatir bahwa karena semakin banyak data yang dikompilasi tentang kami - tanpa sepengetahuan kami atau persetujuan aktif - itu akan dikombinasikan untuk mengungkapkan profil rinci, bahkan identitas kita yang sebenarnya. Data ini sering dikumpulkan untuk pasar barang dan jasa kepada kita, mendorong kita untuk membelinya. Ada sejumlah perusahaan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam iklan online yang ditargetkan disebut "perilaku pemasaran." Perusahaan mengatakan konsumen mendapatkan keuntungan dengan terkena lebih banyak iklan bertarget dan pedagang online dapat membuat lebih banyak uang lebih efisien dengan menargetkan pembeli yang tepat.

Sebagai contoh, Anda mungkin membeli sebuah buku tentang golf dari Amazon, kunjungi situs Golfer Profesional Association, sepatu golf pembelian di Zappos, dan pencarian online untuk lapangan golf di dekat rumah Anda. Bila Anda melakukannya, cookie atau komputer Anda Internet Protocol (IP) dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan iklan yang terkait dengan golf. Ketika Anda membuka situs USA Today untuk membaca berita pagi, Anda mungkin melihat iklan yang menawarkan satu set baru klub dengan harga diskon.

Bagaimana jika profil pemasaran perilaku Anda berbagi dengan orang lain, tanpa izin Anda? Anda mungkin tidak peduli jika sebuah perusahaan obat membagi informasi obat resep Anda dengan layanan kupon untuk menghemat uang. Tapi bagaimana jika informasi yang sama diperoleh oleh majikan Anda, sehingga cakupan asuransi kesehatan lebih mahal?

Solusi terbaik dari kami adalah Belanja elektronik di

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Watch Satellite TV on PC

How you can Watch Satellite Television on PC - In the current digital world, technologies have ongoing to develop and advance. This is exactly what adds a brand new dimension to everything about entertainment. Technologies have its major effect on the field of entertainment. Watch Television online directly on your pc or laptop that has managed to get quite simpler within the the past few years. Free TV on the internet is a real possibility that has introduced a brand new wave to everything about entertainment.

This is known as your personal computer or computer TV card, in a nutshell PCTV card. Listed here are two sorts accessible on the market available. One requires you to definitely really do the installation in your PC as the extra could be just blocked in to the USB port from the PC. With many people obtaining the high-speed internet connection over broadband, people happen to be because of the choice to entertain themselves during work stations or perhaps in leisure. Consider, you do not need any wiring, no hardware installation to obtain began with free Television channels online

The PCTV card uses your computer infrastructure to decode the satellite television signals consequently that you could create to look at satellite television on computer. With the aid of the quick and simple installing instructions, it is simple to begin with the disposable entertainment. The satellite television signals are essentially called as Free-To-Air or FTA TV signals. Satellite Television stations show their Television programs via FTA that are unencrypted for public viewing, for those who have broadband connection, you need to simply stick to the simple to download instructions that will just takes minutes to enable you to get began using the satellite television over PC.

Though, to be able to watch satellite television on computer, please be aware from the PC hardware and OS essentials and compatibility of those cards together with your PC. After installing the PCTV software in your computer, you're going to get one well-organized along with a user-friendly interface around the window, including various small menus in addition to control buttons throughout it.

The satellite tv software will be a lot compatible to any or all the Home windows versions, UNIX and LINUX to list out a couple of, it's preferred that the PC is applying a least Pentium II 333 MHz processor as well as your OS should perfectly be either Home windows ME, 98, 2000 or XP. Extra peripheral devices that may increase your viewing understanding really are a superior seem card, video graphics card, loudspeakers and PC theatre plan.

Cable Television is commonly nicely-received in built-up areas thinking about that it's not impacted by terrains and weather. Nonetheless, in places wherever cable know-how hasn't showed up at, this kind of as rural areas or some suburban districts, satellite television is the selection. In fact, you are able to generate a satellite dish program to see satellite tv in your Television from the element of the world so it features a all over the world appeal. Exactly where one can have Internet entry, you can view satellite television on PC easily.

No regular bills or membership fee is billed and you may work from the place in the world, during moving, or while relaxing as lengthy as you've the web access.

How To Hide Your Last Name On Facebook? OR How To Make Single Name Account On Facebook

How You Can Hide Your Surname On Facebook? OR Steps To Make Single Title Account On Facebook - Facebook regrettably requires all customers to incorporate an initial and surname for his or her profile. There's no requirement however on making use of your real names. However facebook customers can hide their middle title and surname/surname. Hiding surname, you are able to effectively hide your identity on Facebook. This only requires a couple of minutes to setup in your Facebook account configurations. Prof:- my this acc

In the following paragraphs I will share trick to cover surname on Facebook.

Step One: First goto Opera --> Options --> Advanced --> Network --> Configurations --> Connection Configurations --> And select manual proxy configuration.

Step Two: Now Tick begin :)) " Make Use Of This Proxy Servers For Those Methods ".

Put this proxy and port

HTTP Proxy:

Port: 8080

Step Three: Put on No Proxy for Box.

Step Four: Now goto Account Configurations, Remove Middle Title and Surname. Then Save!

Step Five: Congratulation !! You Probably Did It, Now Your Surname Is Finished.

Important Note:- First of all Open your facebook account configurations then change proxy because sometime after altering proxy their might be some  error in logging account.

Internet Explorer 10 Tips and Tricks: It Can Do More Than You Think

Ie 10 Tips and Methods: It May Do A Lot More Than You Believe

When Microsoft revealed Home windows 8, probably the most interesting reasons for it had been the brand new iteration of Ie. If seen through the Start screen, the slimmed-lower browser offers maximum space for viewing webpages because of the positioning of buttons and also the address bar candy striped across the foot of the screen (where individuals don’t usually read). It’s an amazing new approach, but Ie 10 looks like it's have less features and options.

Actually, you may think it can’t do much apart from see the web. Obviously, you'd be wrong. Because of the Desktop view in Home windows 8 you are able to configure both Metro and traditional “views” from the browser.

This short article refers back to the new-look Home windows 8 as “Metro”, a phrase popularised by Microsoft and technology journalists to explain the tile-based interface observed in Home windows 8 (and preceded on Home windows Phone products). Even though this is no more the title provided to the interface, it's the one which many people are acquainted with.

Alter The Default Internet Search Engine

Recent figures have proven that Bing’s share of the market keeps growing - but when you'll still would rather use Google for search, you are able to reconfigure Ie within the Home windows 8 Desktop view. This is when the variety of both versions from the browser are available, via Tools > Internet Options. When a change is created, it reflects on the beginning screen and also the Desktop versions from the browser.

While using gear/configurations menu within the “full” Ie 10, open Manage add-ons and choose Search Companies within the Add-on Types pane you will notice Bing listed by itself. In the feet from the window, click on the Find more search providers… link and choose your chosen internet search engine in the gallery of options. In addition to Google, you’ll find DuckDuckGo listed.

Help make your choice, click on the Increase Ie button and consider the Add Search Provider dialogue box. Look into the Get this to my default search provider option, click Add and shut Ie. Now both versions may have your brand-new search tool set as default.

Pinning & Favourites

Some stinky, Ie 10 doesn’t have the symptoms of a favourites button/star. The reason behind this really is simple - you will find now two methods to add a web site to all your bookmarks.

ie 10 review

In Home windows 8, you could have both a conventional index of bookmarks and a number of Start screen cutting corners, referred to as hooks. Ie 10 includes a Pin button, found right from the address bar. By clicking or tapping this, you will find the choice of adding the web site for your favourites or pinning, while using Increase favourites and Pin to begin options which are shown on a little pop-up menu.

Frequently Visited Sites & Internet History

Favourites and browser history are shared forwards and backwards versions of IE10. These may be utilized in a number of various ways with respect to the browser view.

If you are while using sleek Metro browser, favourite websites could be seen by clicking the Address Bar or pressing Alt   D. Although browsing history isn't displayed within this look at the browser, it may be utilized with the Desktop version.

While using the Desktop Ie 10 browser, Favourites could be seen by clicking the star icon within the top right corner from the window or by pressing the Alt   C keyboard combination. This shows the Faves, Feeds, and History center. Browsing history could be utilized in the History tab.

Ie 10 Add-ons

It shojuld not be a surprise to understand the Metro look at Ie 10 features no support for Add-ons.

ie 10 review

Rather, these should be installed and utilized in the Desktop version. To get this done, change to Desktop view, launch the browser and click on the apparatusOrconfigurations button within the top-right corner. Within the resulting menu, choose Manage add-ons and employ the Add-on Types list to obtain the add-on (another term for “plugin”) that you would like to make use of. It's via this screen that you could enable, disable, or take away the add-ons.

Block Websites From Asking for Where You Are

Increasingly more websites depend on localization technology to tailor content for the browsing experience. To provide the opportunity to opt-using this kind of commercial surveillance, Microsoft has added a helpful localization control to Home windows 8 and Ie 10.

ie 10 tips

Within the Start screen, launch Ie and tap Win   C or tap the best-fringe of the display to spread out the Charms bar. Click Configurations > Internet Options and under Permissions you will notice the Request for location switch. Set to On automatically, a tap will disable the function.

Note even the Obvious option underneath the switch. This enables you to definitely prevent sites you have formerly shared where you are with from finding you.


Although some stinky Ie 10 in Metro view appears like nothing more than a control button-free window for fast browsing, the browser continues to be flexible as previous versions in Home windows 8’s Desktop view.

While background and configuration choices are sparse within the Metro view, they are all obtainable in the standard Ie window, available with the desktop. Privacy options, add-ons and much more can be handled here, and individuals that determine background configurations for that browser will impact both sights, Desktop and Metro.

Stop Windows Error Blue Screen

Stop Home windows Error Blue Screen Of Death - It sometimes just keeps happening again and again again in most cases with no warning. Regrettably whenever your computer turns up having a blue screen of death it'll usually be set to instantly shutdown the pc or sometimes restart it. This will make lots of people stress simply because they cannot see, or perhaps have enough time to create lower all the info on that specific blue screen of death.

Steer clear of the Home windows error blue screen of death in your screen and preventing it from restarting could be completed in all Home windows versions. I don't use Home windows XP right now, however I am certain this option is available for the reason that operating-system too. The screen shots I've taken here are from Home windows Vista, but Home windows 7 is much like this.

How you can steer clear of the Home windows error blue screen of death:

Follow this task:

1. Visit My Computer displayed and Right Click My Computer Icon.

2. Click Qualities.

3. The systems qualities will open. Click Advanced Tab.

4. Underneath the Startup and Recovery section, press on configurations.

5. The beginning up and recovery box can look. Visit the System Failure section.

6. Uncheck this area where it states Instantly restart.

7. Press alright to finish.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Test Posting

Hello All..this is just test posting on my blog Tips Net…thankss…!!

Bright & Tight Skin

Bright & Tight Skin

You may possibly have presently listened to or read about the a variety of utilizes of baking soda for skin as properly as hair, so listed here a swift scrub you can make employing baking soda to get that radiant, obvious skin you desire for.
Creme Brulee in a Water Bath
Orange, Baking Soda Scrub
* Blend baking soda and orange juice to make a paste and apply a skinny layer of the mask on your confront.
* Depart it on for about 10 mins.
* Prior to rinsing off the mas k, gently scrub the mask with moist finger ideas to exfoliate the skin.
* Rinse off with chilly drinking water and pat dry.
Baking soda is a natural exfoliator that will buff the pores and skin to reduce oils, distinct up acne, blackheads leaving your pores and skin distinct even though oranges are the best resource of vitamin C that will brighten and tighten the pores and skin.